Friday 11 May 2012

Kartini's day

It's time for the events in SMAN 8 Tangerang! on May 2nd. But, I and Silviana Malinda couldn't join the events Huksx(........i wanna see the princess competition;p. In my class, Setiawati Handayaningrum as studio's representatives. The designers are Dea angelica Z with Arindita Husna A and their crew;3 I, Silviana Malinda, Luthfia Yutria S, Farah Karlina, And Cindhy Theresia could join and be part of the kartini's day events cause we had competitions at SMK 1 Tangerang. I and Silviana Malinda as usual, had a saman dance competition, Alhamdulillah ya Allah we had permissions to join the competition! Luthfia Yutria S, Farah Karlina and Cindhy Theresia had a PMR's competition. Well, the rest girl that couldn't help for Setiawati Handayaningrum maybe part of the committee, such as Bella Barzeera.
And the boys in studio are cooking competition! they were becoming Kartono (?)
Here's the photo that i could get from Mr.Badrudin:

For Princess Delta:
Here it is! Our Studio's princess xD
ah i forgot to tell y'all. In the Princess competition, we have to use a recycle stuffs too, such as plastic, paper,  straw and so many more that could be recycled. They also have to make up!._. woooow

It's Dipta from Silence, our neighbour

It's Vinkha from Sci3nce, our neighbour too

It's Ravena from Extr3me. 
I heard that extr3me as the winner of the princess's competition including the best class. Wow! Give applause! plokplokplok...

And here is the kartono's competition rom my class: 
it's funny to see the boys r cooking! lolz
huft~~ my class didn't win any competition in this Kartini's day, well hopefully next year;p
allright that's all that i could share to you guys, c u

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